Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Status Update #2 - Multiball Video!

I know it's been longer than a month since I last posted, so this time I'm going to do two months worth of content! First off, here's what I've done in the last couple of months:
  • Improved bumpers. They were very far apart so I moved them closer together. I also added four spot targets with LEDs to the bumper area. Lighting all four advances a letter in MYSTERY. Before, this was done whenever the ball rolled into a hole in between the green and yellow bumpers. (Which I removed)
  • Added lane changing to the JOE lights at the top of the playfield.
  • (Probably) Fixed a few bugs. :P
  • Moved the the lock trigger onto the wire ramp. This is more realistic than before and also improves the game by making it realize a ball is locked more quickly.
  • Created and added multiball music, ball locked ditty, multiball start music, and super jackpot music.
  • I tried improving the way to control how kickers work and how long it takes for them to release the ball, but it doesn't work super well. Instead, I'm going to try using a constantly looping timer to act as a ticker. With that I'll be able to have better control over timing of events. (Thanks to the VPForums for help!)
  • Adjusted rubber placement and added a plastic cover behind the bus.
That's everything I can think of off the top of my head. Here are some updated pictures of the game:

 Updated Bumpers

Updated Full Playfield

Multiball Video!

Last night I threw together this video that guides you through the game's main multiball video. It shows off the rules, as well as the music and a few of the game's (still WIP) voices. Enjoy!

Joe: My First Future Pinball Game

I just thought it would be kind of fun to show the first Future Pinball game I made. (That I finished, anyways) I made this in early 2012. It has a similar theme, but isn't nearly as good as JUBR.

As you can see, Joe is a very fat person! :P

The rules were extremely simple. Shoot a spot target to light the ramp for a passenger. Shoot the ramp to pick up a passenger. Picking up four passengers lights two locks. Locking two balls and then shooting the ramp starts multiball. There were a few other game features too. It was definitely a good learning experience for me, though. It helped me get started with programming in Future Pinball. Then there's the art. I drew that on paper, scanned it into my computer, and then filled everything with solid colors. I'm no good at drawing though, as you can probably tell. I'm eventually going to look for an artist to do the art in Joe's Ultimate Bus Ride, but if I can't find one, the art in JUBR will look similar to this, just with more effort.